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n. 凡士林

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: You can do the same thing with Vaseline.

中文: 你也可以用凡士林试试。

英文: The effect of vaseline pledget wadded in the top of dacryocyst

中文: 泪囊上极填塞油纱条对手术效果的影响

英文: Dab the spot with a small dollop of Vaseline and blend into the entire shoe for instant shine.

中文: 可以在这些地方涂一小团凡士林,抹匀之后可以使鞋子立刻发亮。

英文: Steve McQueen: Yes! She's firstly sort of scribbling with her crayons as we speak. She's doing a vaseline painting!

中文: 有的,她开始在我们谈话时用她的蜡笔胡乱涂鸦。她在制作凡士林画。

英文: This includes gasoline, propane, paint thinners, mineral oils, paraffin wax, baby oil, Vaseline?and even Chap-Stick?just to name a few.

中文: 它包括汽油、丙烷、漆面稀释剂、矿物油、石蜡、凡士林和无色唇膏。