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v. 使饱和;浸透

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Saturate the moss with water before planting the bulbs in it.

中文: 在种植球茎于苔藓中之前,先用水浸透苔藓。

英文: The effective permeability is stated as some numerical value at some given saturate conditions.

中文: 有效渗透率用在一定饱和条件下的数值表示。

英文: The trees, densely planted on a 10-foot-by-10-foot (3-meter-by-3-meter)grid, saturate the space of the court.

中文: 树阵浓密的以10英呎*10英呎(3公尺*3公尺)的规线种植,充满整个前庭。

英文: You can equilibrate DO to zero, but you have to use nitrogen (others) to saturate it, otherwise, it is useless, this is what I think.

中文: 我们用梅特勒的DO,可以自动校准,因为只是在进罐前校正,我想只是校100%吧,至于为什么不校0的原因,也不清楚。希望有人能够回答!

英文: The findings seem to contradict the sensual images that saturate the ads in female magazines. It seems they missed the mark here,said Jon Morris, one of the co-authors.

中文: 这些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女性杂志中的各种性感广告相矛盾。研究报告的撰写者之一乔恩·莫里斯说:“他们可能忽视了这一点。”