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英文: incision of trachea ratio: the group of nasal trachea cannula . %, the group of oral trachea cannula 7.0%(P<0.0);

中文: 气管切开率:经鼻插管组. %,经口插管组7.0%(P<0.0);

英文: extubate ratio: the group of nasal trachea cannula .%, the group of oral trachea cannula .%(P<0.0);

中文: 拔管率:经鼻插管组 .%,经口插管组.%(P<0.0);

英文: time of detained airtube:the group of nasal trachea cannula 8.±7.9d, the group of oral trachea cannula .0±.8d(P<0.0);

中文: 留管时间:经鼻插管组8.±7.9d,经口插管组 .0±.8d(P<0.0);

英文: The commercial product has threes compositions such as polymer film, tracheostomy tube and disposable inner cannula.

中文: 目前市售的气管造口器,其主要构造由高分子膜、气管进口管及进食吸管所组成。

英文: It summarized the selection of urethral catheter, cannula methods, the depth of cannula insertion, the content and quantity of injecting into the air sac, the right time of both bladder washout and urethral catheter withdraw and their nursing care, to pro

中文: 对导尿管的选择、插管方法、插入深度、气囊中注入成分及注入量、膀胱冲洗、拔除导尿管的时机和护理进行了综述,为广大护理工作者在进行该项操作时提供参考。