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英文: D: Let's try some hormone extracts or some medicine for muscle relaxation, diuresis and analgesics.

中文: 我们试着用些激素制剂,肌肉松弛剂,利尿剂和止痛剂。

英文: These plants contain various chemical constituents and have broad bioactivities such as diuresis, anti-tumor and anti-bacteria and should be further investigated.

中文: 该属植物含有多种化学成分,主要是三萜和三萜皂苷类成分,具有利尿、抗肿瘤、抗菌等药理活性,值得进行深入的研究和开发。

英文: The three pathways of urine formation; Glomerular filtration and The influencing factors of glomerular filtration; Osmotic diuresis and glomerulotubular balance; Function and regulation of ADH.

中文: 尿生成的三个环节;肾小球滤过机制、影响肾小球滤过的因素;渗透性利尿和球管平衡;抗利尿激素的作用和调节。

英文: This paper summarizes the diuresis therapy in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber, including activating qi, tonifying qi, warming yang, promoting defecation and urination, inducing diaphoresis, clearing heat, nourishing yin, promoting blood flow, lubricating t

中文: 摘要总结《金匮要略》利水法的特点为:化气利水、益气利水、温阳利水、通下利水、发汗利水、清热利水、滋阴利水、活血利水、滑窍利水等,并逐一列举代表性方剂,分析证治要领。

英文: Treatment: The isolation sickness dog, with chain antibiotic and so on mildew element, terramycin, tetracyclin unifies just right for the illness treatment - supplement Vitamin C, the static note glucose and the strong heart diuresis.

中文: 治疗:隔离病犬,用链霉素、土霉素、四环素等抗生素结合对症治疗-补充维生素C、静注葡萄糖和强心利尿。