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英文: The three-hour drive was unnerving; the students were so introverted that neither spoke.

中文: 这趟3小时的路程令人坐立不安;那二名学生十分内向,都不开口说话。

英文: But the rather unnerving reality is that general anesthesia transports us perilously close to death.

中文: 但是现实管保教人丧失信心,因为全身麻醉会将我们置于濒临死亡的境地,险象环生。

英文: His film is a little similar to an earlier masterpiece, Wim Wenders's “Paris, Texas” (1984), only on a much smaller budget and with an unnerving naturalism.

中文: 他的影片有一点像一部早几年前的大师作品——维姆·文德斯的《德州巴黎》(1984),只有非常少的影片预算,并且有着令人感到心力交瘁的自然主义风格。

英文: IF THE speed with which financial-market turmoil has spread around the world has been unnerving, fears of an even more alarming form of contagion are surfacing: it may undermine America's economy.

中文: 如果遍及全球的金融市场动荡速度已经让人恐慌了,那么一种更让人担心的恐慌蔓延形式正在浮出水面:这种恐慌将会危及美国经济。