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英文: The annual precipitation has a fluctuation change trend, the precipitation increases obviously in winter, the summer precipitation and the annual precipitation increase slowly, in each age the maximum precipitation in winter, summer, autumn and the maximu

中文: 年降水呈波动式变化趋势,冬季降水增加明显,夏季和年降水增加缓慢,各年代中冬季、夏季、秋季和年最多降水均出现在气温偏暖的21世纪初,气候有从暖干向暖湿转变的趋势。

英文: Precipitation separation of protein

中文: 蛋白质沉淀分离

英文: Research manifests that: (1) allocation in the year of precipitation is very uneven, and yearly precipitation is different in great scope, negative anomaly of precipitation appear concentratly in the 1990s, the precipitation in the 1990s decreased in diff

中文: 结果表明:(1)流域内降水年内分配极其不均;年际变化剧烈,进入90年代后降水负距平集中出现,20世纪90年代降水较多年均值有较大程度的减少;(2)流域内河川径流与降水之间存在密切的正相关关系,降水量多的年份,河川径流丰富,反之较枯;(3)河川径流积极响应降水的变化,然而河川径流变化幅度却比降水变化幅度大20%,这个偏差主要是由于频繁的人类活动的干扰造成的。

英文: Based on the analysis of Suzhou's urbanization process and annual rainfall time series analysis of Suzhou and Wangting precipitation stations during 1953~2000, by comparing rural precipitation (Wangting precipitation station) with urban precipitation (Suz

中文: 在分析了苏州城市化发展进程的特点及1953~2000年降雨时间序列特征基础上,采用同时期城区(苏州站)与郊区(望亭站)雨量横向对比、城市化发展不同时期同一站雨量纵向对比的方法,研究了城市化对该地区降雨量、降雨年内分配、降雨发生次数等的影响。

英文: Precipitation of Porcine Trypsin by Polyethyleneglycol

中文: 聚乙二醇沉淀猪胰蛋白酶的研究