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noise level

【计】 噪声电平, 噪声级\n【化】 噪声级

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英文: Abstract Selecting certain section of North-south Elevated Road in shanghai to develop and set up several curved and erect, turnable noisae-preventing screens, and making comparative noise level test and then conducting analysis and approach on sound envi

中文: 摘要在上海市区南北高架与地面道路建设期间,选择了一些典型的高架路段,开发和设置了弧型与面立型两种可翻转式防噪声屏,并作了对比噪声测试,进行了声环境的分析、探讨。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: The colored sandwich steel plate has been successfully used in the noise control at the cooler center in the paint shop of DCAC WuHan factory,expressed with laudness index,noise level is reduced 79.65%after control.The effect is very excellent.

中文: 文摘:在噪声治理中,采用彩色夹心板作隔声构件,在武汉总厂涂装分厂制冷站应用成功,用响度指数这个绝对数表示,治理前后噪声总响度降低79.65%,隔声效果非常好,达到了预期的目的。        更详细...
英文: Good sound-insulated Performance : The thick insulation laminated glass used in the middle membrane.Blocking noise level of 30 decibels or above.will be entirely up to the road block to 80 dB noise level of 50 dB below the quiet room.

中文: 隔音性能好:夹层玻璃使用较厚的中间膜时,阻隔噪音达30分贝以上,完全可将马路上高达80分贝的噪音阻隔至50分贝以下安静室内的程度。        更详细...
英文: High-Low pressure double vane pump with low noise level and high performance is used for energy saving and high efficiency.

中文: 采用高性能、低噪音的高低压双泵或单泵以省耗能量及提高生产效能。        更详细...
英文: In fact, some westerners find it difficult to do busine in Chinese restaurants because the noise level is just too high.

中文: 实际上,一些西方人认为在中国的餐馆里谈生意是件很困难的事,因为噪音太大了。        更详细...

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