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labor insurance

【经】 劳工险

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英文: 3 During the term of this Agreement, A shall insure B subject to the terms and conditions pursuant to labor insurance regulations and national health insurance regulations.

中文: 乙方受聘(雇)用期间,甲方应善尽投保劳工保险及全民健康保险之义务。        更详细...
英文: All matters in connection with the collection and disbursement of the repayment fund shall be entrusted to the Labor Insurance Agency by the central competent authority.

中文: 基金之收缴有关业务,得由中央主管机关,委托劳工保险机构办理之。        更详细...
英文: Article 55 Whenever considering and deciding on wages, welfares, production safety of the staff and workers and labor protection and labor insurance and other issues concerning the personal interests of the staff and works, opinions of the trade union and

中文: 第五十五条公司研究决定有关职工工资、福利、安全生产以及劳动保护、劳动保险等涉及职工切身利益的问题,应当事先听取公司工会和职工的意见,并邀请工会或者职工代表列席有关会议。        更详细...
英文: During the period of employment, Employee shall join the labor insurance, for which the payment of insurance premium and the claim of insurance benefits shall be made in accordance with the provisions specified in the Labor Insurance Act of the R.O.C.

中文: 于聘雇期间内,甲方应为乙方办理加入劳工及健康保险,保险费之负担则依中华民国劳动基准法及相关法令分摊之。        更详细...
英文: Human resources plan, labor regulation and labor insurance consulting and personnel recruiting for its clients.

中文: 为企业提供人力资源策划、劳动法规和劳动法规和劳动保险咨询,代理招聘企业员工。        更详细...

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