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*[gæŋ]\nn. 脉石\n【化】 脉石; 矸石\n【医】 脉石

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英文: After compound of spontaneous combustion gangue powder and fly ash, that water demand of gelled material systems is decreased than that of only mixing spontaneous combustion gangue powder and the tendency of water demand is gradually increasing with the i

中文: 自燃煤矸石粉与粉煤灰复合后,胶凝材料体系的需水性比单掺自燃煤矸石粉减小,其需水性趋势随自燃煤矸石在粉体中所占比例的增加而逐渐增大。        更详细...
英文: As a kind of cement retarder, normal setting time and good effect for mechanical properties and soundness of cement can be got when adding desulfurization gypsum in cement, so it can used instead of natural gypsum to produce cement entirely, coal gangue i

中文: 脱硫石膏作水泥缓凝剂时,水泥的安定性、凝结时间正常,可改善水泥的力学性能,完全可替代天然石膏;活化后的煤矸石和脱硫煤灰具有较好的活性,用作水泥混合材可增加水泥产量、降低生产成本,具有良好的经济和环境效益。        更详细...
英文: Based on in-situ investigation and laboratory experiments, the article analyzed in detail the factors which affect the transportation and strength characteristics of gangue cemented tailing grain fillings such as powder coal, water-reducer, mortar density

中文: 摘要以现场调查和室内实验为基础,从粉煤灰、减水剂、浆体浓度、粒级级配等方面,对煤矸石作为胶结充填骨料的管道输送特性和强度特性进行了详细的分析。        更详细...
英文: Experiment shows that with the increment of substituted spontaneous combustion gangue powder for cement, the water demand of gelled material system is increased gradually.

中文: 试验结果表明,随着自燃煤矸石粉取代水泥量的增加,胶凝材料体系需水量逐渐增大。        更详细...
英文: It has a raw coal productive capacity of 450,000 t/a, a gangue power plant with an installed capacity of 7000kw, a 300,000 t/a coal washing plant (to reach 900,000 t/a till 2006 after alteration and expansion completed), a screen mesh plant with an annual

中文: 原煤生产能力为45万吨/年,拥有装机容量7000千瓦的煤矸石电厂、年入洗能力30万吨/年的洗煤厂(2006年改扩建工程完成后将达90万吨/年)、装机容量7000千瓦的煤矸石电厂和年生产筛网1000平方米的筛网厂等生产单位。        更详细...

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