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water soluble

【化】 水溶的; 水溶性的

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英文: A new silsequioxane based macro-initiator with eight initiating sites was prepared from a selective hydrosylation of T8 silsequioxane, and used to synthesize water soluble star polyacrylanude containing inorganic-core through atom transfer radical polymer

中文: 通过T8硅氧烷六面体选择性的硅氢化反应,制备了一个具有八个激化位的硅氧烷六面体巨激化体,并利用原子转移自由基聚合(ATRP)技术合成含无机核的星型聚丙烯酰胺高分子。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: Researches on unformaldehyde unironing finishing are summarized in this paper.Functions and deficiencies of glyoralamido,water soluble heat reactive polyure thane,bishydroxyethyl-sulfoue,natural high precision chitosan,reactive organosilicon,amy

中文: 文摘:综述了无甲醛免烫整理方面的研究,分析比较了乙二醛-酰胺类整理剂、水溶热反应性聚氨酯、双羟乙基砜、天然高聚物壳聚糖、反应性的有机硅、淀粉改性物、环氧类整理剂、多羧酸化合物等无甲醛抗皱整理剂的功能以及各种整理剂存在的不足.        更详细...
英文: After doing relative experiments and analyzing the reason according to the practical statistical data, it is sure that the white point is water soluble material including caprolactam and low-molecular materials, and at the same time it is also find the re

中文: 通过相关的跟踪实验和统计分析,确定了白点是水溶性己内酰胺单体和低分子物,同时找到了产生这种白点切片的根本原因,给聚合装置提供了预防措施。        更详细...
英文: Among the thesis, is it work up electric potential scan and exchange impedance law not to think boiler subject systematic solution water soluble miaow thiazole quinoline lose to lose performance slowly pharmaceutical slowly to adopt, and has explained the

中文: 在这篇论文中,采用动电位扫描和交流阻抗法评价了锅炉主体系统溶液中水溶性咪唑啉缓蚀剂的缓蚀性能,并解释了缓蚀机理。        更详细...
英文: And some methods for improving their poor solubility are introduced, including: incorporating bulky groups, hydrophilic groups, water soluble polymers and hyper-branched dendrimers; synthesizing branched derivatives; and degrading them into oligosaccharid

中文: 对其解决的方法进行了分析总结:将体积较大的侧基或亲水性基团/大分子引入到分子链上,支链化或键接超支化合物,以及低聚糖化,以满足不同应用领域特别是生物医学工程的要求。        更详细...

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