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英文: A theoretical analysis of the dynamical characteristics, such as equation of dynamics, transfer function and the inertia of the system, of the injection system of full-motor injection molding machine is made, and analysis on living examples was also made.

中文: 摘要对全电动注塑机射胶系统动力学和控制特性进行了理论分析,并分析了各环节的动力学方程、传递函数及系统的惯量,同时还进行了实例分析。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: Based on water flow movement characteristics in film hole irrigation, a zero-inertia model form surface water flow movement in film hole irrigation were presented in this paper.

中文: 文摘:根据膜孔灌溉田面水流运动特性,建立了膜孔灌溉田面水流运动零惯性量数学模型,并将其与优化理论相结合,提出了确定膜孔灌溉田面综合糙率系数的优化模型。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: The coupling between deformation of flexible body and the inertia forces caused by large overall motion is handled so simple that the complate erroneous results will be produced in dealing with the problems of high speed large overall motions by

中文: 文摘:传统的柔性多体系统建模理论由于对柔性体的变形及其与大范围运动产生惯性力之间的耦合处理得过于简单,所以在分析存在高速大范围运动柔性多体系统的动力学性态时会得到完全错误的结论。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of the moment of inertia ofcoiler in hot strip mill in detail, the derivation of theoretical formula of the inertia and the analysis,taking 2050 hot strip mill for example, of the inertia change rule and the compe

中文: 文摘:对热轧带钢卷取机的惯性力矩进行了分析,推导出惯性力矩的理论表达式,并结合2050热轧卷取机分析了惯性力矩的变化规律,对惯性力矩进行了补偿。        更详细...
英文: According to a rule in Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone. we conduct a heat insulation test for aerial slob ventilation roofs of which index of thermal inertia is under the standard, to reach

中文: 摘要依据《夏热冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》的相关规定,对D值达不到要求的架空平板通风层顶进行隔热验算,得出其节能设计的直砚标准,方便广大设计人资在实际工程中采用。        更详细...

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