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of particles


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英文: A method of finding the best location in multi-dimensional space of particles is presented to achieve the optimal decision of multi-stage operation, the global convergence performance of PSO is improved by importing a cross operator of GA and using a self

中文: 提出以确定微粒群在多维空间中的最优位置来实现多阶段优化调度决策的方法,并针对算法易陷入局部最优的缺陷,引入遗传算法中的“杂交”因子以及采用自适应的惯性权重,以改进其全局优化能力。        更详细...
英文: A stream of particles or electromagnetic waves emitted by the atoms and molecules of a radioactive substance as a result of nuclear decay.

中文: 核衰变产生的微粒或电磁波放射物的原子或分子由于核衰变放出的一束微粒或电磁波        更详细...
英文: Abstract: When a cluster of particles is immersed in a uniform electric field,the particles are coupled together due to the mutual interaction among them.This interaction causes the dipole moment of the cluster to be dependent upon the spatial arrangement

中文: 文摘:置于均匀电场中的一簇球形颗粒,由于其内部的相互作用而耦合在一起.这致使簇的感应偶极矩与簇的几何结构,大小以及颗粒的介电常数等参量有关.试图通过已知的链的偶极矩确定任意大小长方结构的簇的偶极矩.假定颗粒链可以被具有同样偶极矩的一个等效介质球代替,并将具有空间结构的颗粒簇处理成面结构簇,再将面结构简化成一个颗粒链,从而确定簇的偶极矩.在这一过程中,通过不断增加等效球的尺寸,将颗粒间的相互作用包含在簇的偶极矩中.数值分析了立方结构簇的偶极矩,结果是可接受的.        更详细...
英文: Aided by powerful computers, these experiments attempt to record as much information as possible about the thousands of particles reaching them.

中文: 藉由强大电脑的帮助,这些实验尽可能将这几千颗到达侦测器粒子的资讯,完整地记录下来。        更详细...
英文: As the size of particles increases, the scattering intensity increases; as the size of particles increases, the horizontal polarization becomes unsymmetrical while vertical polarization invariable; with the imaginary parts of complex refractive index incr

中文: 当粒子尺度增加时,散射光强增加;水平偏振变得不对称,而垂直偏振没有变化;当粒子的折射率虚部增加时,散射光强减少。        更详细...

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