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water balance

【医】 水平衡, 液体平衡

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英文: A dynamical model of H2 fuel cell stack with water balance is developed in this paper for studying steady and dynamical performances of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks.

中文: 摘要提出和建立了包含水平衡的氢燃料电池堆的动态模型,用于研究质子交换膜(PEM)燃料电池堆的静、动态性能。        更详细...
英文: Based on the water balance research of Liaohe River during the irrigation period in 2004, general regularities of water quality in irrigation period were concluded by the analysis and simulation of water quality, and the causes of the change were also ana

中文: 摘要在2004年灌溉期辽河水平衡测试工作的基础上,通过对水质综合变化情况的分析与水质模拟,得出灌溉期水质变化的规律,并对其成因进行了分析。        更详细...
英文: The annual water consumption of these oases and their seasonal variations, water consumptions for different land uses, water uses by social-economy and natural ecology, water balance and components of water consumption in farmland, recharge and consumptio

中文: 取得了包括绿洲年耗水水平、绿洲耗水的年内分布、绿洲各类土地的耗水、社会经济与自然生态系统耗水比例、农田土壤耗水平衡与耗水组成、地下水补给与消耗的组成及潜水蒸发的分类等的初步定量结果。        更详细...
英文: The development situation of the software for water balance test in thermal power plant is introduced.

中文: 介绍了火力发电厂水平衡测试软件的研制情况。        更详细...
英文: This achievement has realized the standardization of water balance test in thermal power plants, the computerization and the technological upgrading, and the original complex troublesome water balance testing is transformed into the easy routine work.

中文: 该成果实现了火电厂水平衡测试的规范化、电算化和技术更新,将原先复杂烦琐的水平衡测试转变为简便易行的日常工作。        更详细...

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