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n.零,零度 num.零

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英文: A Wandering rock-and-roll poet, Liuhui, said:Because of poems, I am ostentatious; because of pleasure, I am crazy and mad; because of freedom, I lost my dwelling: because of my dream, I do zero change ( I like this creative line).

中文: 京漂摇滚诗人刘辉:“因为诗歌,我花枝招展;因为快乐,我疯疯癫癫;因为自由,我丧失家园;因为理想,我不会改变。”        更详细...
英文: A correlator and matched filter for use with coded transmission, such as CDMA, form new codes from the sums and differences of the original codes, where only one of the new codes is non-zero for each element position and effect hardware savings using the

中文: 本发明主要系用来将一输入讯号与二展频码作解展频的方法与装置,本发明利用二原始的展频码的和值与差值来形成二新码,由于二新码的组成元素同时只一不有其一不为零,利用此二新码组成元素后的特性可达到有效节省硬体的目的此技术,并可将此技术应用于编码传输(例如分码多重撷取)之关联器与匹配滤波器。        更详细...
英文: A majority were pretty satisfied with their lot in life -- only 13 percent of the 4,224 respondents gave themselves a happiness ratingof four or lower on a scale of zero to 10.

中文: 大部分人对他们生活中的事还是相当满意,在4224名反馈者中有13%给自己的幸福评级打分,在0-10分范围内未4级或更低。        更详细...
英文: A voltage signal Rect(tt/Pw) added by zero mean Uniform noise. is demonstrated for 2-D dependence of the waveform on time and trials and 2-D dependence of spectrum on frequency and trials to show different time domain and frequency domain properties of a

中文: 以加上均匀杂讯之方波电压讯号为例,图示含有杂讯电压讯号其波形随时间及试验之二维变动及频谱随频率及试验之二维变动,显示杂讯与讯号之随机过程在时域与频域之不同特性。        更详细...
英文: 【Remember the following words and expressions:E.g. multimeter;circuit,current;voltage;resistance;digital multimeter;analogue multimeter;analogue multimeter scales;zero adjustment control;zero adjustment control for resistance ranges;measurement ranges swi

中文: 记住万用表、电路、电流、电压、电阻、数字万用表、模拟万用表、表头、机械零位调整器、欧姆零位调整器、量程选择开关、晶体管插孔、表棒、正接线端、负接线端、阳极、阴极、红导线、黑导线、电源、并联、串联等常用英文单词,并逐步掌握。        更详细...

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