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*['prinsipәl];n. 校长, 首长, 本金, 主犯, 资本, 委托人;a. 主要的, 最重要的, 首要的;

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*['prinsipәl]\nn. 校长, 首长, 本金, 主犯, 资本, 委托人\na. 主要的, 最重要的, 首要的\n【经】 主体, 主要负责人, 资本; 主要的

英文: 14 quality indexes of the dry white noodle made of 29 wheat breeds extended in North China were determined wholly, the mathematical evaluation model was set up based on 5 main component indexes selected by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for evaluating

中文: 摘要对29个中国北方的推广小麦品种制作的干白面条14个品质指标进行了全面测定,采用主成分分析法提取5个主成分指标构建数学评价模型,综合评价面条的各种品质,优选出了泰山23、洛展1号、豫农949、太空6号等优质的面条专用小麦品种。        更详细...
英文: 2 The system of international commercial agency has created many sets of legal relationships, two of them are the most important: the internal relationships between the principal and the agent and external relationships between the agent and the third par

中文: 国际商业代理制度已经创立了多种法律关系,其中最重要的是以下两种:总部和代理商之间内部的联系以及代理商和第三方之间的外部联系。        更详细...
英文: 2 The system of international commercial agency has created many sets of legal relationships,two of them are the most important:the internal relationships between the principal and the agent and external relationships between the agent and the third parti

中文: 国际商业系统代理已经创建许多套合法的关系,其中的两个是最重要的:负责人和代理的内在关系和代理和第三方的外在关系。        更详细...
英文: 2004 Student Directory will be published in a couple weeks. If any parents are interested in advertising in the upcoming directory, please contact the principal or the registrar for details.

中文: 2004学年度通讯录数周后付印﹐请有兴趣在通讯录刊登广告的家长﹐赶快向校长连络。        更详细...
英文: [“Made by [the Licensee] in [China] under Licence from [the Licensor]. [Insert principal word mark] is the registered trademark of [the Licensor]”.

中文: 经(许可方)许可由(被许可方)在(中国)制造。(插入主要文字标志)是(许可方)的注册商标。        更详细...

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