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英文: Article 12 At the request of the original landownership holders according to Paragraph 2, Article 8 of the Act, the authority of development may construct buildings for distribution or just utilize the residual houses used to settle the original residing

中文: 第12条原土地所有权人依本条例第八条第二项规定,申请由开发主管机关统筹兴建建筑物后分配时,开发主管机关得兴建建筑物或就拆迁安置原住户住宅之剩馀住宅予以分配,其作业要点由开发主管机关定之。        更详细...
英文: Article 13 When calculating the original areas of lands held by the landownership holders before consolidation of farm lands according to Paragraph 3, Article 8 of the Act, in case of loss of or incomplete data on allocation, the average area ratio of agr

中文: 第13条依本条例第八条第三项规定计算原土地所有权人在农地重划前之土地面积时,其农地重划相关资料灭失或不全者,除原土地所有权人能提供可资证明文件外,以当地直辖市、县(市)行政辖区内办理农地重划土地所有权人分担农、水路用地面积比例之平均值为基准计算之。        更详细...
英文: Article 27 Where a landownership holder has applied for postponement of commencement under Paragraph 2, Article 54 of the Building Act and the application has been approved, and thus the time limit for construction and utilization as prescribed in Paragra

中文: 第27条土地所有权人已依建筑法第五十四条第二项规定申请开工展期并经核准,其因而超出本条例第十八条第一项限期建筑使用期限者,不予加徵地价税。        更详细...
英文: The main content of his socialism, i. e., his Principle of Peoples Livelihood, is equalization of landownership and restriction of capitalism with a view to eradicating the ills of capitalism.

中文: 孙中山社会主义理论即民生主义的主要内容是“平均地权”和“节制资本”,旨归是消除资本主义弊端。        更详细...
英文: This remarkable fact alone would suggest the thought that the peasant, impelled by the inequality of landownership and dying on his pitiful plot, must at whatever cost produce an organization able to wrest land from the landlord to give himself a chance t

中文: 仅此一端就不能不使人认为,在少得可怜的土地上无法活命的农民,在地权不平等的逼迫下,必然会铤而走险,组织起来从地主那里夺取土地,求得一条生路。        更详细...

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