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*['disәljut]\na. 放荡的, 风流的

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英文: After the disruption of the world,people who lost all love all live a dissolute life.

中文: 在世界经历过大灾难后,人们失去了所爱,开始了放荡的生活。        更详细...
英文: An unsuccessful writer, who leads a dissolute life, has an affair with an ex-lover, who is the wife of a once-celebrated actor, but their relationship pushes them to confusion and obsession.

中文: 男主角是个生活放荡,写作不算成功的作家,他和前情人有一手,她现在是个走下坡演员的太太,她们的婚外情关系让他们混乱和困扰。        更详细...
英文: Article 34 A company which survives a merger or division, where its registered items change, shall apply for registration of alternation; A company which is dissolute due to a merger or division shall apply for cancellation of registration; A new company

中文: 第三十四条因合并、分立而存续的公司,其登记事项发生变化的,应当申请变更登记;因合并、分立而解散的公司,应当申请注销登记;因合并、分立而新设立的公司,应当申请设立登记。        更详细...
英文: Desire of going to work, debauchery after going off work, the flame of sexual desire starts gobbling up the cold resisting PASOUL of the winter personal inside party is much more than only a vogue, also wanting sexy every Wednesday &Thursday, dissolute ba

中文: 上班的渴望,下班后的放荡,欲火开始吞噬冬天的御寒PASOUL贴身内派对,不只是时尚,还要很性感每周三四,放荡浴火将燃烧整著冬季!        更详细...
英文: Everyday is made up of twenty-four hours that cannot be stopped,stored or stretched.Yet how to gain time out of a day,the only way we can do is to make a full use of every hour and minute in stead of wasting the time in idleness and dissolute life.We all

中文: 每一天都是由24小时组成的,时间不会停止,不能储存,也无法延长.然而,如何从一天之中赢得时间,我们唯一的办法是充分利用每小时和每分钟,而不是在无所事事的放荡生活中荒废光阴.我们都知道,如果让时光流逝,我们将永远也无法弥补它所带来的损失.        更详细...

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