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technical cooperation

【经】 技术合作

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英文: ARTICLE 2 The term nuclear exports used hereinafter refers to trading, gifts to and exhibitions in foreign countries, as well as scientific and technical cooperation with and assistance to foreign countries that involve nuclear materials, nuclear equipmen

中文: 第二条本条例所称核出口,是指本条例附件《核出口管制清单》(以下简称《管制清单》)所列的核材料、核设备和反应堆用非核材料等物项及其相关技术的贸易性出口及对外赠送、展览、科技合作和援助。        更详细...
英文: Also, the two companies will cooperate to ensure the best possible AOL member experience on current and future Microsoft operating systems, including commitments by Microsoft for technical cooperation and information disclosures.

中文: 同时,两家公司还将合作以确保美国在线时代华纳成员能够体验现在以及将来的微软操作系统,包括微软公司对技术合作和数据通告方面的委托。        更详细...
英文: Base on our creditable management,we k eep on creating and innovating,and earn a lot in technical cooperation and cultural exchanges.

中文: 经营之道,贵在诚信。我们全体参展团体及客商将以诚为本,以发展为前提,以双赢为基点,积极开展与多方的技术交流、产品研发、合作贸易。        更详细...
英文: For better coordination, and for better economic development of the bridge area, and for further economic and technical cooperation with the other Eastern Asian countries, the Central Asian countries and the European countries, and promote the development

中文: 为了进一步协调各方力量,促进新亚欧大陆桥经济带的发展,推动我国与中亚、东亚和欧洲国家的经济技术合作,带动中西部地区的发展,根据2000年11月国务院[办]第(2812)号文件,外经贸部(现商务部)联同外交部、国家计委(现国家发展改革委)、国家经贸委、财政部、科技部共同组建了“新亚欧大陆桥国际协调机制”(下简称协调机制)。        更详细...
英文: Grand Glory Law Office has already provided legal services to SUMEC Group of Jiangsu, Jiangsu Overseas Corp., China National Metals and Minerals Import and Export Corporation, China Jinangsu International Economic and Technical Cooperation Corp., Panda El

中文: 振泽律师事务所已先后为江苏苏美达集团、江苏省海外企业集团公司、中国五矿进出口总公司、中国江苏国际经济技术合作公司、熊猫电子股份有限公司、比利时拜尔集团爱克发公司、江苏江山制药公司等多家境内外知名公司、银行和重要政府机构提供过法律服务,受到当事人和行业主管部门的高度评价。        更详细...

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