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n. 烧焦, 焦化\na. 烧焦的, 粘结的\n【化】 炼焦; 焦化; 焦化蒸馏

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英文: Abstract: To set forth how to determine the cause of danger and distinguishing basis in production in the coal coking enterprise,then analyzes them,to apply the method of quantitative statistics analysis,classify the cause of danger into 3 ranks according

中文: 文摘:通过对煤焦化生产企业中危险源(点)的确定和辨识依据进行阐述和分析,采用定量统计方法,并结合生产实际情况将所有危险源(点)分成三级(公司或厂级、车间或部门科室级、班组或岗位级)控制管理;从而实现贯彻企业安全管理工作“全员参与、全面管理”的方针,预防和避免各类事故的发生,使安全工作步入科学化、规范化轨道,为企业生产经营创造一个健康和稳定的环境。        更详细...
英文: Article 35 The State shall encourage and support coal mining enterprises and other enterprises to produce both coal and electricity, coking coal, coal chemicals and building materials made of coal and engage in deep and fine processing of coal.

中文: 第三十五条国家提倡和支持煤矿企业和其他企业发展煤电联产、炼焦、煤化工、煤建材等,进行煤炭的深加工和精加工。        更详细...
英文: Overall Contractor for trigeneration Project of Shanghai Coking Chemical General Plant daily output 400,000m3 and 1,300,000m3 U-GAS Plant (D=2.6m) Which is the largest U-GAS Generator Plant in the world.The Golden Steel Reward of Shanghai Municipal Excell

中文: 上海焦化总厂日产40万立方米及130万立方米的直径为2.6米世界上最大的U-GAS煤气发生炉装置,三联供工程总承包,获上海市优质工程金钢奖。        更详细...
英文: It introduces application of deep mixing cement-soil pile in maintenance of foundation pit, combined with storing pool of coking equipment it discusses no-support and earth-retaining & water-retaining drapery and its effect, which to extend the method.

中文: 介绍了深层搅拌水泥土桩在基坑维护中的应用,以某焦化装置内贮焦池具体工程为例,探讨了这种坑内无支撑、挡土挡水型帷幕的做法及应用效果,以推广应用该方法。        更详细...
英文: Newly built desulphurization and de-cyanidation project for coking pliant of anyang iron and steel group is a environment protective project aided by Japan with advanced control approach, rigorous logic and high degree of automation

中文: 河南安阳钢铁公司焦化厂新建脱硫脱氰工程是由日本新日铁公司援建的化工产品环保项目,控制方式先进,逻辑严谨,自动化程度高。        更详细...

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