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*[prә'mʌlgeit]\nvt. 发布, 公布, 发表, 传播\n【法】 颁布, 公告, 散播

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英文: Although big business uses television to promulgate it as a sacred American credo, the very absence of competition is the reality, and a very sad one at that.

中文: 有没有可能竞争对他们是一回事,而对我们其他人又是一回事呢?对他们来说,意味着更加趋同,而对我们其他人意味着买更多的废物,上更多的税呢?        更详细...
英文: Although those who advocated to priority of the freedom of press didn't promulgate a decree of press, their thought is the dominant idea on Legislation of Press and Publication in the end of Qing Dynasty and beginning of Republic.

中文: 虽然持优先地位观点者并没有真正颁布一部可以施行的新闻单行法,但是他们所持的观点-对新闻自由的保护要多一些是清末民初新闻立法的主导思想。        更详细...
英文: Article 11 The public health authority under the State Council shall work out and promulgate the state standard of occupation health for the purpose of preventing against occupational diseases.

中文: 第十一条有关防治职业病的国家职业卫生标准,由国务院卫生行政部门制定并公布。        更详细...
英文: Article 13 For the goods limited in importation that are under the administration of quotas, the administrative departments of import quotas shall promulgate the total amount of import quotas for the next year at no later than July 31 of each year.

中文: 第十三条对实行配额管理的限制进口货物,进口配额管理部门应当在每年7月31日前公布下一年度进口配额总量。        更详细...
英文: Article 14 The administrative department of public health under the State Council shall formulate or approve and promulgate the national hygiene standards, hygiene control regulations and inspection procedures for food, food additives, the containers, pac

中文: 第十四条食品,食品添加剂,食品容器,包装材料,食品用工具、设备,用于清洗食品和食品用工具、设备的洗涤剂、消毒剂以及食品中污染物质、放射性物质容许量的国家卫生标准、卫生管理办法和检验规程,由国务院卫生行政部门制定或者批准颁发。        更详细...

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