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listed company

【经】 股票上市的公司

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英文: A holder of non-tradable shares holding 5% or more of the total number of shares of a pilot listed company shall undertake that once the undertaking period specified in the preceding item expires, the number of shares it sells by listing, trading and sell

中文: 二)持有试点上市公司股份总数百分之五以上的非流通股股东应当承诺,在前项承诺期期满后,通过证券交易所挂牌交易出售股份,出售数量占该公司股份总数的比例在十二个月内不超过百分之五,在二十四个月内不超过百分之十。        更详细...
英文: A holder of non-tradable shares in a pilot listed company shall undertake that it will not list and trade or transfer its non-tradable shares for a period of at least 12 months from the date on which it obtained the right to list and trade the same.

中文: 一)试点上市公司的非流通股股东应当承诺,其持有的非流通股股份自获得上市流通权之日起,至少在十二个月内不上市交易或者转让。        更详细...
英文: A listed company may not buy back its Shares by way of centralized competitive trading within five working days prior to the disclosure of its annual or interim report or before the public disclosure of information that would have a material effect on its

中文: 在年度报告和半年度报告披露前5个工作日或者对股价有重大影响的信息公开披露前,上市公司不得通过集中竞价交易方式回购股份。        更详细...
英文: A listed company shall not provide guaranty to the controlling shareholder or any other associated party holding less than 50% of the company's shares, or to any non-legal-person entity or individual.

中文: 上市公司不得为控股股东及本公司持股50%以下的其他关联方、任何非法人单位或个人提供担保。        更详细...
英文: A listed company shall utilize the capital it procures from stock issue in accordance with the uses explained in the public issue subscription notice.

中文: 上市公司对发行股票所募资金,必须按招股说明书所列资金用途使用。        更详细...

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