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out of control

不受控制, 失去控制\n【法】 不受控制

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英文: A wildfire is raging out of control near Lake Tahoe forcing about 1,000 people to evacuate their homes.

中文: 塔霍湖边一场野火来势汹涌,(少了人数哦)迫使人们逃离该地。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: From the viewpoint of safety technology of chemical reaction with heat release.the technical causes of getting out of control of these reactors are analyzed.Hazardous effects of the leakage of chemical reactants both on human and environment,and

中文: 文摘:从放热化学反应的安全技术观点出发,分析了放热化学反应器失控的技术原因、化学反应物泄漏对人员和环境造成的危害、现有安全技术措施存在的问题;介绍了基于射流原理的喷射汽化和非汽化冷却液体的直接冷却方法;还展望了化学反应器安全技术的发展方向。        更详细...
英文: As a result, the data of the 18th group moisture is out of control and found 5 continuous data of ash content from the 10th group had the tendency of displacement.

中文: 发现第18组水分数据失控,发现灰分数据从第10组起连续5个数据有位移的倾向。        更详细...
英文: But the capsule's parachutes failed to open, and the spacecraft tumbled out of control and struck the ground at 193 miles per hour six minutes after entering Earth's atmosphere.

中文: 但是由于返回舱的降落伞未能打开,返回舱失去控制,在空中翻转。在进入地球大气层6分钟后,以每小时193英里的速度一头栽到沙漠中。        更详细...
英文: 【Abstract】 Off-budget fund is an extremely special part in the public finance of China, decentralization carved out a way to the development of the off-budget income, and it has become out of control from then on.

中文: 预算外收入是我国公共财政中极为奇特的一部分,分权化改革为预算外收入打开了缺口,自此,它便一发不可收拾起来。        更详细...

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