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*[,trænsfә'ri:]\nn. 受让人, 承让人, 被调任者\n【经】 受让人

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英文: BR>The transferee must see to it that the quality of the product is maintained.

中文: 接受转让一方要负责保持产品的质量。        更详细...
英文: The goods identified herein are subject to the condition that they shall not, nor any portion of them, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, or otherwise conveyed to a subsequent borrower, purchaser, or transferee unless Purchaser has a currently

中文: 在此确认的商品不得出现下列情况:如全部或部份的、用于商业出售或出租、转售给借用者、购买者或受让人,除非购买者持有当前有效的执照、配额或销售代表协议,并在协议中明确允许此类的商品转让行为。        更详细...
英文: The new transferee shall accord with the provision of the Measures and undertake all the rights and obligations of the parent company and its subsidiaries in the listed company, and fulfill lawful obligations to report and declare to China Securities Regu

中文: 新的受让方仍应符合本办法所规定的条件,承担母公司及其子公司在上市公司中的全部权利和义务,并依法履行向中国证监会报告、公告及其他法定义务。        更详细...
英文: Where the exploitation of the patent or the use of the technical secret by the transferee in accordance with the contract infringes on the lawful interests of any other person, the liability shall be borne by the transferor, except otherwise agreed by the

中文: 第三百五十三条受让人按照约定实施专利、使用技术秘密侵害他人合法权益的,由让与人承担责任,但当事人另有约定的除外。        更详细...
英文: Where the transferee failed to pay the prescribed licensing fee, it shall pay the overdue licensing fee and pay liquidated damages in accordance with the contract; where it failed to pay the overdue licensing fee and liquidated damages, it shall cease exp

中文: 第三百五十二条受让人未按照约定支付使用费的,应当补交使用费并按照约定支付违约金;不补交使用费或者支付违约金的,应当停止实施专利或者使用技术秘密,交还技术资料,承担违约责任;实施专利或者使用技术秘密超越约定的范围的,未经让与人同意擅自许可第三人实施该专利或者使用该技术秘密的,应当停止违约行为,承担违约责任;违反约定的保密义务的,应当承担违约责任。        更详细...

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