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英文: And recently, it has also said that under the prerequisite that its security concerns are met and the United States abandons its hostile policy toward the DPRK, the DPRK is prepared to give up its substantive plan to develop a nuclear program.

中文: 最近朝方又提出,在他们的安全关切得到保证,也就是说,在美国消除对他们敌视政策的前提下,他们可以放弃核武器发展计划。        更详细...
英文: Dandong is located at the bank of the Yalu River, facing the DPRK across the river. The well-known Broken Bridge and the Sino-Korean Bridge are witnesses of history and friendship.

中文: 丹东市坐落在鸭绿江畔,和朝鲜隔江相望。江上著名的断桥和中朝友谊大桥可是历史和友谊的见证。        更详细...
英文: Hill was referring to what he called the second phase of the Korean Peninsula denuclearization process, which will be the disablement of nuclear facilities and full declaration of nuclear programs on the DPRK part and economic assistance and relationship

中文: 希尔提到了他所说的朝鲜半岛无核化进程的第二阶段,即核设施的拆除、朝鲜方面完全申报其核计划、经济援助以及美国方面对关系正常化的考虑。        更详细...
英文: Madav Kumar Nepal , general secretary of the Central Committee of the Nepal Communist Party (United Marxist-Leninist), noted that the DPRK which has a proud tradition in which it heroically beat back the armed invasion by the formidable imperialist allied

中文: 尼泊尔共产党(联合马列)总书记马德夫·库马尔·尼帕尔说,朝鲜人民具有光荣的传统,他们曾在金日成主席的英明领导下,打败过强大的帝国主义联合力量的武装侵略,那么在金正日总书记先军领导下将来一定也会取得胜利。        更详细...
英文: and the mean uncorrected visual acuity at reading distance o f PRK group was 0. and LASIK group was 0.8.There were eyes(7%) in PRK gr oup and 0 eyes(8 . %) in LASIK group have a residual dioptry between-.00 D a nd +.00 D.

中文: 而平均裸眼近视力PRK组为0.,LASIK组为0.8。 残余屈光度在-.00D~+.00D之间PRK组眼(7.0%),LASIK组0眼(8 . %)。        更详细...

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