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英文: 1 Any changes to the Environmental Monitoring and Audit arrangement as required under the Environmental Schedule contained in the EIA Report (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Schedule) or under the Implementation Schedule submitted shall be ju

中文: 所提交的环境计划或实施时间表如有需要对环境监察及审核安排作任何更改,须经由环境监察及审核报告载明的独立环境查核人提供充分理由支持并加以核证,然后提交署长批准。        更详细...
英文: 2 The Environmental Monitoring and Audit requirements shall be implemented as set out in the Environmental Schedule of the EIA Report and the monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit Reports unless the changes are justified in the monthly Environmental

中文: 环境监察及审核的规定,须按环评报告中环境计划及每月环境监察及审核报告订明的要求执行,除非拟议的更改在提交的每月环境监察及审核报告获得充分理由支持并经由独立环境查核人核证,以及获得署长批准。        更详细...
英文: 3 The Permit Holder shall deposit with the Director 3 sets of 1 to 1000 scale layout drawings showing the works boundaries, drainage channel, ancillary road alignments and any other facilities assessed in the EIA Report; the locations of environmental mit

中文: 许可证持有人须向署长存放下列文件,计有:3套1:1000比例的设计规划图则,显示工程界线、排水道、附属道路的路线及环评报告所评估的任何其他设施;环评报告所建议的环境缓解措施的地点;以及一份解释说明。        更详细...
英文: 6 A copy of the EIA Report shall be kept in the Permit Holder's site representative's office and another copy shall be kept in the Contractor's office on site for reference.

中文: 许可证持有人工地代表的办事处须存放一份环境评估报告,而另一份则须存放于承建商的办事处,以供参阅。        更详细...
英文: 7 Before operation of the temporary bus depot at the project site, the Permit Holder shall prepare a Contamination Assessment Plan (CAP) in accordance with Section 3 of Annex 19, TM on EIA Process, and the ProPECC PN3/94.

中文: 在工程项目地点营运临时巴士车厂之前,许可证持有人须按照《环境影响评估程序的技术备忘录》附件19第3节及《专业人士环保事务谘询委员会专业守则3/94》拟备一份污染评估计划。        更详细...

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