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触觉, 碰, 触, 机灵, 轻触, 格调, 少许, 缺点, 弹力

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*[tʌtʃ]\nn. 触觉, 碰, 触, 机灵, 轻触, 格调, 少许, 缺点, 弹力\nvt. 接触, 触摸, 触及, 使接触, 达到, 涉及, 影响到, 使轻度受害, 感动\nvi. 触摸, 接近, 涉及, 提到\n【化】 触; 触动\n【医】 触, 接触; 触觉; 触诊, 指诊\n【经】 达到\n相关词组:\n touch one's hat to sb\n touch glasses\n touch sb to the heart\n touch sb home\n touch sb to the quick\n keep in touch with sb\n lose touch with sb\n be out of touch with sb\n get in touch with\n a near touch\n at a touch\n give sb a touch of the rope's end\n put sth to the touch\n bring sth to the touch\n touch at\n touch on\n touch down\n touch off sth\n touch sth up\n within touch\n have a touch of

英文: A ghost touch weapon deals damage normally against incorporeal creatures, regardless of its bonus. (An incorporeal creature's 50% chance to avoid damage does not apply to attacks with ghost touch weapons.

中文: 鬼触(畜)!不是……幽冥:幽冥武器正常命中与伤害虚体生物(康仔:类似鬼魂啊,缚灵啊之类的。)一般情况下即使是魔法武器也有50%几率无法打中虚体生物,但幽冥武器无视此规则。        更详细...
英文: A ghost touch weapon deals damage normally against incorporeal creatures, regardless of its bonus.(An incorporeal creature's 50% chance to avoid damage does not apply to attacks with ghost touch weapons.

中文: 幽冥之触:当攻击虚体生物时幽冥武器可以直接造成伤害(虚体生物原有50%几率可避开伤害,但对此种武器无效)。        更详细...
英文: An abstract noun,the teacher said, is something you can think of, but you can't touch it. Can you give me an example of one?

中文: “抽象名词,”老师解释道,“就是可以想到,但无法触摸到的东西。你能给我举个例子吗?”        更详细...
英文: But put forth Your hand now and touch all that he has; he will surely curse You to Your face.

中文: 伯1:11你且伸手、毁他一切所有的、他必当面弃掉你。        更详细...
英文: He is alive. I am 100 percent sure,Taliban spokesman Mullah Hayatullah Khan told reporters, adding that senior leaders were in touch with bin Laden.

中文: 塔利班组织发言人毛拉·哈亚图拉·可汗接受记者采访时说:“我可以百分之百的肯定,他还活着。”据他透露,塔利班的高级领导人们一直与拉登保持着联系。        更详细...

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