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英文: Ampacity Ampacity is the safe current-carrying capacity of an electrical conductor in amperes as defined by code.

中文: 载流容量载流容量是以安培数来定义导线安全载流能力。        更详细...
英文: Article 12 The facility agent shall be the bank that collects the funds and provide the loan to the borrower in the amount and in accordance with the schedule as defined by the relevant terms of the loan after the execution of the syndication agreement, a

中文: 第十二条银团代理行是指银团贷款协议签订后,按相关贷款条件确定的金额和进度归集资金向借款人提供贷款,并接受银团委托按银团贷款协议规定的职责对银团资金进行管理的银行。        更详细...
英文: Article 213 Unit of account mentioned in this Law refers to the Special Drawing Right as defined by the International Monetary Fund; its equivalent in Renminbi shall be the amount calculated in terms of the conversion rate from the Special Drawing Right o

中文: 第二百一十三条本法所称计算单位,是指国际货币基金组织规定的特别提款权;其人民币数额为法院判决之日、仲裁机构裁决之日或者当事人协议之日,按照国家外汇主管机关规定的国际货币基金组织的特别提款权对人民币的换算办法计算得出的人民币数额。        更详细...
英文: As defined by clinical psychologists, narcissism is a mental illness characterized by inflated or grandiose views of self, the quest for excessive admiration, an unreasonable or exaggerated sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy (that is, being unable to

中文: 根据临床心理学家的定义,自恋是一种心理疾病,特徵是对自己的看法极为膨风、渴求过多的赞美、自己认定的荣衔不切实际或夸大、缺乏同理心(也就是无法对别人的感受感同身受)、只会利用别人、容易羡慕别人或是希望成为羡慕的对象、常常幻想自己很伟大、妄自尊大。        更详细...
英文: Continuous Load A continuous load is a load where the maximum current is expected to continue for three hours or more (as defined by the NEC for design calculations).

中文: 持续负荷持续负荷是指使电流在3个小时或更长时间(根据NEC的定义)内需保持最大值的负荷。        更详细...

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