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external environment

【医】 外[界]环境

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英文: Abstract : based on analyzing the planed scale,developing speed, management system and external environment of highway network, it is researched for the mechanism to construct the greatness in quantity and extent of toll road, irrationality of the network

中文: 摘要:通过分析全国公路网规划的规模、建设计划、管理体制和外部环境因素,研究收费公路规模大、范围宽的形成机制,以及其中存在的路网结构问题、社会政治矛盾和不良社会经济运行效果,对我国公路网的规划建设和投资管理体制提出了改进建议。        更详细...
英文: As the external environment of practice activities, society is not only the condition of history development but also undertake., the results of practice activities, so it is of great significance when the elements links and processes of practice are scie

中文: 社会作为实践活动的外部环境,既是实践活动的结果,又是实践活动历史发展的条件,在实践要素、环节和过程能否得到科学合理的配置上具有重要意义。        更详细...
英文: Based on the SWOT approach, in this paper the writers analyze the external environment and inner situation of commercial bank's financing abroad on domestic customers' behalf in China, point out the opportunity, challenge, advantage and disadvantage, and

中文: 本文采用SWOT方法,对我国商业银行开展代客境外理财业务的外部环境和内部环境进行辩证分析,指出面临的机会与威胁以及存在的优势和劣势,最后提出我国商业银行开展代客境外理财业务的战略选择-抓住机遇、避开威胁、发挥优势、消除劣势。        更详细...
英文: China's accession to the WTO, the continuous growth of foreign trade, and closer ties with overseas economies will provide a favorable external environment for solving the problem of employment.

中文: 加入世界贸易组织,对外贸易不断增长,中国经济与世界经济联系更加紧密,将为解决就业问题提供良好的外部环境。        更详细...
英文: Financing choice of middle-and-small sized firms is a dynamic problem, and their financing preference is different because of different internal and external environment and different combination of goals.

中文: 中小企业的融资选择是一个动态问题,企业在不同阶段面临的内外环境和追求目标组合不同而使得其融资偏好不同。        更详细...

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