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英文: 35 The voter turnout was small and the margin tiny,in contrast to the previous election,when the Populist Party swamped the oppostion,which was widely touted as a pro-business lobby.

中文: 选民参选率很低,两党得票差额极小,这与上次选举形成对照:在上次选举中,平民党以压倒多数的选票战胜了反对党,当时反对党被大事宣扬地说成是商界利益的代言人。        更详细...
英文: A building or premises, other than a hotel, inn, motel, tourist house or lodging house, where rooms are let and where meals may be regularly served by prearrangement for compensation; not open to transient guests, in contrast to hotels, restaurants, and t

中文: 它不同于宾馆酒店、乘车游客旅店、旅客之家或出租居住空间的寓所,虽然也出租房间和提供膳食,但通常要预约安排,不接待临时旅客。        更详细...
英文: A program that allows a user to perform work on a computer(in contrast to a program that performs overhead functions, such as an operating system). Examples are database managers, spreadsheets, and accounting programs.

中文: 使用户在计算机上完成工作的程序(不同于那种执行内务功能的程序,如操作系统)。例如数据库管理程序、数据表程序以及会计程序等等。        更详细...
英文: Akie is now popular in Abe's district, where her fondness for an occasional drink -- in contrast to her husband, who prefers sweets -- has made her a hit with his supporters.

中文: 昭惠在安倍晋三的选区很受欢迎,她的好酒量为安倍赢得了不少支持者。与夫人相反,安倍则是滴酒不沾,喜爱吃糖。        更详细...
英文: Also, in contrast to a traditional club, members pay a meeting fee of only A$5 (approximately US$2.80).

中文: 此外,相对于传统的扶轮社,该社社员只需缴交5元澳币(约2.8美元)的例会费用即可。        更详细...

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