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tail gas

【化】 尾气; 废气

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英文: From the investigation analysis of lead content in tea and tea garden soil situated besides both sides of main lines of communication, the stronger time-space distribution rule of lead from car tail gas to the garden pollution is obtained, and the policy

中文: 通过对位于交通干线两侧某茶园土壤及茶叶中铅含量的调查与分析,得出汽车尾气中的铅对茶园污染有较强的时空分布规律,提出了改善和提高茶叶品质的对策与建议。        更详细...
英文: In the production of nitrophosphates by the mixed acid process the main components of the acidulation tail gas are nitrogen oxides, and the steam condensate from evaporation contains ammonia.

中文: 摘要混酸法硝酸磷肥酸解尾气的主要成分是氮氧化物,其浓缩过程产生的蒸汽冷凝液含有氨。        更详细...
英文: Such apparatuses are equipped with the special system for the processing of the tail gas from fermentation, which can increase the feeding volume by over 5%.

中文: 本公司专门研制开发的小型实验专用系列发酵成套系统,可满足各种生物培养条件的要求,并且设备配有特殊发酵尾气处理系统,可合装料容积提高5%以上。        更详细...
英文: The discharge into the atmosphere of converter gas, acetylene, yellow phosphoric tail gas engendered by the electric furnace process, and organic hydrocarbon tail gas must be reported to the local administrative department of environmental protection for

中文: 向大气排放转炉气、电石气、电炉法黄磷尾气、有机烃类尾气的,须报经当地环境保护行政主管部门批准。        更详细...
英文: The incinerator is the important place incinerating the tail gas, where residual S and H2S are completely transformed to SO2, to ensure the tail gas from the plant reach the requirement of atmospheric environment protection.

中文: 摘要焚烧炉是尾气热焚烧的重要场所,其主要作用是焚烧尾气中残存的S和H2S并完全转化为SO2,保证装置排放尾气符合大气环保要求。        更详细...

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