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*[ә'nælәdʒi];n. 相似, 类似;

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*[ә'nælәdʒi]\nn. 相似, 类似\n【计】 模拟\n【化】 类比\n【医】 类似, 同功[器官]\n相关词组:\n on the analogy of...\n by analogy

英文: A good analogy for the different dimensions and their buffer zones is the Earth's atmosphere: If the air in the Earth's atmosphere was the astral dimension, the stratosphere would be the buffer zone and the vacuum of space would be the mental dimension.

中文: 对于不同的维度及其缓冲区域的很好的类比是比作地球的大气层:如果地球的大气层中的空气是星体层的话,同温层就是缓冲区,真空就是意识层。        更详细...
英文: A good analogy is the way the brain processes acoustic information from the ears.

中文: 有种很好的类比,就是大脑处理听觉讯息的方式。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: According to the similar nature of gravitational field and electrostatic field, using analogy method, the stress tensor in gravitational field is obtained from Maxwells stress tensor in electrostatic field, and the universal gravitation inside t

中文: 文摘:根据引力场和静电场的相似性质,通过类比方法由静电场的麦克斯韦应力张量得出了引力场中的应力张量,并用它计算了均质球体内部的万有引力.        更详细...
英文: Abstract: Based on the theory of analogy of structural mechanics and optimal control, the optimal induced norm γ-2 of state feedback H∞ control is shown to be the fundamental Rayleigh quotient eigenvalue in structural vibration or Euler stability problems

中文: 文摘:根据结构力学与最优控制的模拟理论,指出状态反馈H∞控制黎卡提方程中的最优参数γ-2,实质上就是结构振动或稳定理论中的瑞利商最小本征值。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: The predictive methods of single building in the world includedhistorical statistical seismic damage method, spe cialist evaluation method, fuzzy analogy method, half~experience and half~theory method, structural theory method and development an

中文: 文摘:国内外单体建筑物的震害预测方法包括历史震害统计法、专家评估法、模糊类比法、半经验半理论法、结构理论计算方法和动态分析法。        更详细...

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