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*[sә'tifikeit];n. 证书, 证明书;vt. 发给证明书, 用证书批准, 用证书证明;【医】 证明[书],

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*[sә'tifikeit]\nn. 证书, 证明书\nvt. 发给证明书, 用证书批准, 用证书证明\n【医】 证明[书], 证件\n【经】 签证, 证书, 牌照

英文: 1 Employee who has been bodily hurt or has other accident be verify as the industrial injury during working procedure,after the certificate of diagnosis of hospital,can take the industrial injury leave.

中文: 员工在工作过程中发生人身伤害等被有关部门确认为工伤的,经医院诊断证明,可休工伤假。        更详细...
英文: 1 For ships covered by the tonnage measurement interim scheme adopted by the IMO, the gross tonnage is that which is included in the REMARKS column of the International Tonnage Certificate (1969).

中文: 1对于国际海事组织通过的吨位丈量临时表格所包括的船舶,总吨位为包括在《国际吨位证书(1969)》“备注”栏中的总吨位。        更详细...
英文: 1 carrier/carrier's agent's certificate is required to the effect that the carrying vessel is operating under a flag other than of israel and the goods will not be transhipped /transcarried at any vessel or at any port of the aforesaid country.

中文: 翻译船公司出具证明证明该船不的悬挂以色列国旗.并且这些货物不能够被转运.不能被其他船转运,不能在任何港口停留.        更详细...
英文: [b] ARIES:[/b] Aries loves a challenge, so a gift certificate for sky-diving lessons or some other daring endeavor would thrill the Ram.

中文: 跳伞课或其他刺激运动的听课证会令喜欢挑战的白羊座高兴得跳起来。        更详细...
英文: “I'd like to present this special banner and certificate recognizing your impressive achievement,” Giay told the group, the news sending a buzz through the audience members, who remarked to their tablemates how impressive the achievement was. “Thank you f

中文: 我很高兴将这份特殊的奖旗及证书颁赠给你们,以表扬你们令人钦佩的成就,〞季爱雅告诉这夥人,而这项新闻透过在场的观众对同桌夥伴们谈到对该成就是如何令人感动,就在一种喃喃的耳语中传了开来。        更详细...

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