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long run

【计】 长时间操作, 长运行\n【化】 长期使用; 长期运行

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英文: An emphasis on purity in contrast is exclusionary and selective, and in the long run is counterproductive to insuring the survival of the magic allele.

中文: 与此对立的对于纯血统的强调是排他并且有选择的,长远地说是与保证魔法基因等位体的生存格格不入的。        更详细...
英文: But I think it is going to be difficult and in the long run we will not look as strong as we do now after qualifying, but more importantly we can really see a good trend over the last couple of races we have really improved heavily with the podium and the

中文: 但我认为这会是困难的事,在长距离的比赛中,我们看上去没有排位赛后的现在那么强劲,但更重要的是,我们真的可以看到近几站比赛的一个不错趋势,我们真的改进了很多,上一站比赛我有些不行。        更详细...
英文: But no one could have successfully predicted just when the euro would appreciate, or that it would first fall to almost 80 cents, although the pattern of momentum in the short run and mean reversion in the long run is a common feature of speculative marke

中文: 然而,尽管短期动量型态与长期回归平均趋势是`所有投机性市场的—个共同特征,但没有人曾成功预知欧元何时升值,或者预见欧元兑美元汇率会先跌至近80美分的水平。        更详细...
英文: Capital accumulation depends in turn on the level of output, which determines saving and output imply that starting from any level of capital (and ignoring technological progress, the topic of Chapter 24), an economy converges in the long run to a steady-

中文: 资本积累依次依赖于产量水平,资本积累决定了储蓄以及产量,暗示了积累可以从资本的任何水平出发(忽略技术进步,24章题目),长期的经济汇聚达到了资本的稳态。        更详细...
英文: Either way -- contrary to popular belief in constant geometric growth -- population can be expected in the long run to adjust to productivity.

中文: 无论如何,与那种认为人口以几何级数持续增长的观点相反,从长远的观点来说,人口可望受到生产力的调节。        更详细...

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