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trade war

【经】 贸易战

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英文: As it is likely that the trade war in the steel Industry will spread to other Industries, world trade stability will be subject to another round of trials and tribulations.

中文: 贸易战可能会从钢铁扩展到其它产业,而全球贸易的稳定性将经受新一轮的考验。        更详细...
英文: But if these complaints add up to the hesitant first steps toward an all-out trade war with China, everyone will lose, including American workers, whom the White House and lawmakers say they are trying to protect.

中文: 但是如果这些抱怨导致与中国之间的贸易战,那么就会导致全盘皆输,受白宫和立法机关保护的美国人也不例外。        更详细...
英文: CURRENCY STORM: As investors in New York worried about a looming trade war with China, the greenback plunged to a three-year low against the Japanese yen.

中文: 货币危机:正当纽约的投资者忧虑和大陆的贸易战即将开打,美金兑换日币的总值创下三年来最低纪录。        更详细...
英文: Mandelson himself led the talks with China, which helped to avert a looming trade war between the two trading partners with a mutually beneficial compromise.

中文: 当时曼德尔森是参与同中国和谈的首席谈判官,在符合双方利益的前提下,通过妥协,避免了双方之间一触即发的贸易战争。        更详细...
英文: The comments, made to the Xinhua news agency by an unidentified central bank official, follow a report last week by a British newspaper suggesting that Beijing could dump its vast dollar holdings if a trade war broke out with Washington.

中文: 上述评论来源于央行某官员在新华社记者的采访中提到,紧随其后英国一家报社在上周发表了一篇报道,建议一旦中美双方爆发贸易战争,中国方面可以一举抛售其大量的美元资産。        更详细...

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