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*['pә:fәreit];vt. 穿孔于, 刺穿, 打孔穿透;vi. 穿孔, 穿过;a. 有孔的, 穿孔的;

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*['pә:fәreit]\nvt. 穿孔于, 刺穿, 打孔穿透\nvi. 穿孔, 穿过\na. 有孔的, 穿孔的\n【化】 开孔\n【医】 穿孔, 穿破

英文: Li Chuan-liang, but this formula did not contain any parameter of well penetration. i.e. did not take the perforated thickness into account, it is hard to just perforate the partition board of well in fact, so a modification for it should be made on Li's

中文: 但是实际油井通常不可能刚好射孔到隔板处,因此,此公式还可以进一步改进:即在油井临界产量中附加一个由于射孔井段底端和隔板之间距离产生的油井临界产量。        更详细...
英文: Whenworking with a traditional surgical drill under the microscope thedrill tip will naturally perforate the surface through the innerflexible boney tissue interface of the cochlea with the inner membraneand protrude into the space.

中文: 当在显微镜下使用传统外科钻头手术时,通常容易穿破表面柔韧的骨组织和耳蜗交界面突出的内耳膜。        更详细...
英文: With the collaboration of the elaborate evaporating system, the demonstration can perforate the decorated confidence of the concentrated audience without much illustration or frustration accurately.

中文: 在精细的蒸发系统的帮助下,演示能不用任何插图或挫折就穿过全神贯注的观众们矫饰的自信。        更详细...
英文: Sardine(SardinelIa perforate Cantor) shows the highest phototactic ratio towards the white light in the region of 0.- lux but with the increase of light intensity, its phototactic ratio decreases.

中文: 孔沙丁鱼对白光的趋光率在0.~lux区最高,并随照度的提高而下降。        更详细...
英文: The babies with successful penetration of the imperforate valve all had successful valvuloplasty. On followup, babies required a modified BlalockTaussig shunt to maintain the arterial saturation above 80%.

中文: 在随访中,例需行改良的BlalockTausing分流术,以维持动脉血氧饱和度达80%以上。        更详细...

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